Simple lunch pack recipes

5 simple lunch pack recipes with organic greens and fresh vegetables
One of the biggest that every single parent faces in the morning is thinking of ideas to stud the
lunchboxes of children. Every parent aims to pack something nutritious and delicious for their
kid and prefer organic greens and fresh vegetables over-processed food. For, they know they are
indeed fueling their kids for a bright and an active day with the help of the recipes they pack.
Many parents fight hard to stop feeding the kids with processed and sugary foods once they are
out of the home to school. For all those mothers who wish to replace the processed foods in their
kid’s lunch boxes with fresh vegetables and greens, here is the solution.
5 best recipes with fresh vegetables and fruits:
1. Lunch pizza:
Kids love pizza and will take any amount of vegetables that are spread over it, the aroma color
and the very look of pizza please their palette and they readily eat the veggies that are topped
over it. Lunch pizzas can be made at home and are healthy and cheap than those bought at stores.
Also, the parents can customize it based on their own preferences of veggies. And they can take
advantage of the fresh vegetables online Hyderabad to order and prepare the recipes quickly
and healthily as possible.
2. Mini hand pies with taco or potatoes:
This recipe takes less than half an hour to prepare and is completely kid friendly. The vegetables
such as taco or potatoes and peas that go in to the recipe will keep kids and also adults full and
fresh all through the day. If the hand pies are wrapped in foils, they will stay soft and fresh until
3. Chicken roll-ups with avocado and salad:
The majority of the kids are picky eaters and will not prefer to eat avocados. But it is an excellent
fruit for kids and is a perfect lunch box idea as well. This dish looks great, tastes good and is
packed full of vitamins and proteins from chicken and avocado. The recipe will also keep the
kids full and satisfied all through the day. Parents can make a salad well in advance and spread it
on the wrap in the morning.
4. Strawberry banana rolls:
The little one will have real fun in making and eating their own sushi rolls with strawberry and
banana. These rolls are also packed with protein as we include yogurt in the recipe and the
natural peanut butter is used as its spread. The recipe has healthy whole grains and vitamins from
the fruits.
5. Pasta salad with veggies:
Kids naturally love pasta, we only have to toss them up with lots of organic vegetables to make it
look great, taste good and to enhance its nutritive value.
Final words:
Making these quick recipes are easy, but finding fresh and organic vegetables is not. With the
help of vegetable home delivery Hyderabad we can get fresh and healthy vegetables right at
one’s doorstep every morning to prepare quick lunch pack recipes.
We started back in 2017 with a simple goal. Grow healthy plants, year round in-house. Therefore, leading to the simplest hydroponic system that helps anyone effortlessly grow their own fresh vegetables & fruits.
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